Alternative Therapy
Sexual healing with Tantric Journey
by theadmin on Oct.17, 2015, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Meet Mal the founder of Tantric Journey and read how Tantric Journey can change your life!
The Tantric Journey Tantric Workshops London teaches what a Yoni Massage in London is. The Tantric Workshop in London is ideal for Tantra teachers who wish to know the ancient art of Yoni Massage in London. The Tantric Journey is welcoming to the newest client who has very little Tantra knowledge.
The Tantric lessons London teaching the working of the Tantric Journey Yoni Massage in London takes through the client from the basics to the in-depth knowledge of this ancient art. The Workshop touches on topics about Female Arousal Disorder, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Vaginismus.
The Tantric Journey objective is to spread awareness about the nourishing benefits of Tantric Massage London. It aims at preaching knowledge on the ancient art of Tantra and Taoism and how the practice can help rebuild lives and benefit the upcoming generation to live a spiritually enlightened life. This generation will have lower rates of crime, hatred, substance abuse, healthier relationships, happiness, inner peace and be coveted by love.
The Yoni massage taught by the Tantric Journey Tantric therapy London will teach men to value and respect women. This will lead to less gender violence, Discrimination and lesser hate crimes. The Tantric Journey yoni massage is about submission by the female which creates deep trust and in turn a sense of liberation and it creates a sense of responsibility in the male partner.
Tantric Journey is beneficial to many lives as it concentrates on making partners happier and fulfilled. The practice of a Yoni Massage in a relationship teaches each partner the role that is required to be played by each respectively. It can heal both partners by redirecting them to a positive state of life.
Learn the Art of Emotional Release through Tantric – Tao Bodywork
Emotional Detox Through Tantric – Tao Bodywork – November’15
For men, women and couples
This is a dual practice with your partner. Here you will learn the skills to peel off (like peeling layers of an onion) the layers of negative emotions such as shame, fear, mistrust, sadness etc to open the body very quickly, clearing stagnant energy channels and help release emotions and how to move positive energies throughout the body. If you are a single person, we may be able to find a partner from our database (subject to availability)
Tantric Journey Benefits
by theadmin on Aug.22, 2015, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Tantric Journey Tantric Therapy in London is the most authentic tantric treatment available. Tantric Therapy London is often perceived to be as a fad or more of a spa-like indulgence; whereas the Tantric Journey Tantric Therapy London is a biological remedy that is spiritually based on the ancient art of Tantra and Taoism. The core essence of the treatment is the Yoni Massage London offered by Tantric Journey. Based on the theory of cellular memory and the ongoing study of molecules of emotions the Tantric Therapy London offered as a Yoni Massage London by Tantric Journey is aimed at resolving biological trauma. Trauma is stored at a cellular level in the form of molecule of emotions and can cause psychological and biological ailments that can reflect the external environment of the individual that can have a traumatic nature.
Yoni Massage London at Tantric Journey is a treatment that has been carefully crafted after in-depth study and over two decades of practice that does not have any ambiguous intentions often perceived when anything Tantra related is portrayed. The massage techniques are intended to release negative emotions from the body and make space for positive emotions to reside. Tantric Journey that is the Yoni Massage in London is a sensitive subject as many women are not easily comfortable or fluid with the idea of exposing themselves at such an intimate level in order to obtain a Tantric Journey Yoni Massage in London. The Tantric Journey ensures through consult and consent a woman is able to subject herself to the treatment as it is crafted with care on a stage basis and client approval at each stage, providing privacy and safety at all given times during the treatment.
Tantric Workshops London do not provide the essence of Tantric teachings just as at Tantric Journey. Tantric Journey offers the best Tantric Workshops London where one can learn the art of Yoni Massage in London. The Yoni Massage London is a growing pathway taken up many modern spiritual women and couple and more and more men are learning the art to satisfy their partner both emotionally and physically; also to help in healing. Tantric Workshops London are not common and if found not very profoundly established. Tantric Journey has its advantages of having the sole proprietor being an origin from the Far East; directly exposed to the eastern culture and values that is engraved in his teachings. Yoni Massage London is not an openly discussed topic but Tantric Journey hopes to re-invent thoughts on the purpose of a Yoni Massage London and why it is suitable and essential for the Western culture.
The Tantric Journey Tantric Workshops London are tailored for individuals and couples. Lessons are taught by the proprietor himself therefore guaranteeing first-hand experience stories and one to one knowledge. Lessons are for the individuals who would like to learn the techniques and become healers or experience Tantric Workshops London or for couples who would love to implement such intimacy in their relationships.
Yoni Massage London is growing to be a well sought self-indulgence for emotional well-being remedy by the new independent women and also that intimacy yearned by the ones in relationships. Many Yoni Massage London is commercialized due to intimate nature and the general perception of something that private being openly discussed and followed in the society. But the Tantric Journey concentrates on the essence and the true nature of the Yoni Massage London making Tantric Journey the most authentic Tantric Workshops London comparatively to the rest of the workshops offered.
Body, mind and spirit
by theadmin on Jun.20, 2015, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Tantric Teachers Training Courses
Teacher Training With Mal – Starting on 19th Sep’ 2015
Tantra Teacher Training Course
10 day teacher training course for small groups and 1-2-1, starts on above two days.Rest of the days to be arranged.
Course fee: GBP 1,900. Recover your investment after treating 10 clients. Start a new career or add new tools to your existing career. Heal yourself and learn to heal others through Emotional Detox through Tantric – Tao bodywork with Mal
Tantric Journey offers professional tantric teachers training courses in London. Start a New Career or add new skills to your existing career to attract more repeat clients by offering the true “Art of Healing” though Tantra.
- No explicit sexual activity or nudity takes place in class. Optional home practice is assigned with a partner
- You can recover your investment when you treat 10 clients
- You will learn to heal yourself and heal other
- You will learn a to perform a life changing treatment for the client
- Spaces are limited to 14 per each month
- Put down £190 deposit to reserve your space
Or if you want to find out more about Tantric Journey book an evening with Mal, Tantric Journey founder on Friday 3rd July 2015 Time: 7pm – 10pm. The cost is £20.
This is an introductory workshop to Tantra Massage Therapy. Learn How to Awaken your True Self, Expand Your Consciousness and Ecstatic Pleasure Using White and Red Tantra.
Who can benefit:
Couples, Individuals and Practitioners who are Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced who are over 18 years.
This workshop is designed to introduce you to the essence of Tantric Lessons London, its spiritual practices and application for everyday life and relationships. This workshop is for couples, individuals and practitioners at all levels and will explore different aspects of Tantra: white, pink, red and black Tantra.
During the class you will find answers to the question of, ‘what is Tantra?’
Tantra is for everyone. Once you understand the different options that Tantra offers, you can start your journey from the most comfortable place for you and go as far as you like to go.
Tantra will help you to discover how to enjoy your own individual tantric spiritual practice, learning about the keys to freeing yourself from limitations and living in bliss on a daily basis.
Find out more about going on a Tantric Journey by clicking here: Tantric Massage for Women.
Who is the main Tantric Journey therapist?
by theadmin on Apr.20, 2015, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
What is sex therapy and who is the main Tantric Journey Sex Therapist?
The main Tantric Journey sex therapist is Mal the proprietor of Tantric Journey. Mal has learnt in various establishments and studied in-depth the concept of Cellular Memory and employs the concept for the massage techniques at Tantric Journey. As a sex therapist, Mal is an expert as he has been able to restore relationships through couple counseling and also help many women enjoy a blissful intimacy by overcoming their issues. Mal conducts workshops to train other sex therapist London on the art of the massage techniques. Many other sex therapists study with Mal to have an alternative medicine insight as chemically induced methods tend fail and often more than not issues crop up again. As a sex therapist he has conducted his workshops in other foreign countries where his services and knowledge has been warmly welcomed.
Are Tantric Journey Sex Therapist Safe?
Yes, Tantric Journey Sex Therapist are safe. In order to know and learn about the results that reap from having a Tantric Journey sex therapy London treatment it is best to read the client testimonials. Sex therapist at Tantric Journey invite you to a comfort zone by building a trusting relationship with talking therapy hence allowing to diagnose the root problem of the sexual related issue. This approach is taken by the sex therapist as sexual related problems are painful problems that cannot be openly discussed and resolved with chemical substance such as medication. Tantric Journey sex therapists believe medication is needed if only genetically the human body lacks the required biological support. The sex therapists at Tantric journey are well trained and qualified and have years of experience. Sex therapists at Tantric Journey also believe that sex therapy does not have to only mean obtaining medication to heal issues but other forms of healing such as the Tantric Journey treatment can be beneficial and issues not recurrent.
Sexual healing for couples
by theadmin on Feb.09, 2015, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
A Tantric Journey Sex Therapy is far beneficial than generally perceived. The sex therapy has been able to heal more than 3000 women worldwide. The sex therapy testimonials by Tantric Journey’s clients are lathered with gratitude and immense relief from the taunting issues that haunted these women. Tantric Journey has allowed many to turn around their lives into a more positive and happy note from a dark and hopeless place. Women who have never been able to maintain steady or healthy relationships have been able to find life partners and lead happy lives. Couples who have been torn apart from emotional restraint and intimacy issues have been able to reconcile and maintain fruitful relationships. Sex therapy has been able to heal individuals of childhood physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. Sex therapy has also allowed victims of domestic violence, toxic relationships and day to day harassments due to social condition untangle themselves away from the mesh of trauma.
Tantric Journey sex therapist performs a clothes on bodywork or a full body oil massage; both employing techniques that harbor the theory of Cellular Memory. The sex therapist London can provide talking therapy to help ease mental constraints and enter a comfort zone to discuss the possible roots of the sexual problem. The Tantric Journey sex therapist is trained on techniques to revert the body’s cells from a negative state to a positive state. The trauma is stored at a cellular level where the slightest touch or tinge will evoke the undesirable feelings that can be very apparent or leave faint nostalgic reminiscence. This is possible as the body’s cells communicate by chemicals. The Tantric Journey sex therapy London evokes these subconscious feelings and has the client ejects it from their system once and for all.
A sex therapist in London can provide psychosexual therapy to help individuals and couples with sexual related problems through counselling, nursing or medicine. Often the sex therapist in London prescribes medicine to help with these issues as talking therapy is not fully capable of resolving the sexual related issues. Often the sex therapist prescribes medicine even for the mildest of sexual related problems such as erectile or climaxing issues.
Chemicals tend to alter the human hormonal functionality and therefore hinder natural functionality. Therefore Tantric Journey’s therapist in London provides a natural treatment on the basis of Cellular Memory where the human body learns to build its own defence mechanism against the sexual related problems. A Tantric Journey’s therapist can offer talking therapy to enter a comfort zone and diagnosis and perform clothes on bodywork or a full body oil massage employing techniques that support Cellular Memory.
Heal your mind, body and soul
by theadmin on Nov.20, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Features and Benefits of Sacred Spot Massage
Find out how to gain emotional freedom and relief from sexual dysfunctions
The Sacred Spot Massage is also called the Vagina Massage, the G Spot Massage or the Yoni Massage. Through the use of Tantric and Tao body work techniques the stagnant negative emotions in a woman are released by Female Ejaculation. Emotional Detox is good for one’s soul and can be achieved through Yoni vaginal massage.
As Rumer Godden states, ‘There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.’ In order to achieve this balance the Yoni and sexual organs play a vital role in allowing our Chi, Prana or Life Force to move freely through our body.
The three ailments for the core of body work and Sacred Massage are to loosen sediments, release knots and untangle tangles.
Sediments are caused due to emotional and physical toxins that are crystalized acids in capillaries. Loosening sediments pulsating blood flow through the Yoni and other sexual organs distributing oxygen and other hormones activating health, sensuality and pleasure.
Knots in turn are surface blockages and lumps of internal tissue structure that are knotted due to stress, anger, fear, shame and other negative emotions. These knots can cause aches and pains in other body parts tending to shut down the Yoni. Knots in the superficial fasciae, lymphatic system, small nerves and capillaries can cause muscle contractions in the thighs, lower back, shoulders, neck and back.
Tangles happen at a deeper level entangling larger structures requiring deeper pressure to dissolve such as lymph nodes, tendons, larger vessels, muscles, sexual organ; also bigger structure such as fatty tissues.
The Sacred Spot Massage helps a woman in many ways one being to fathom her sexuality in comfort, increase blood flow for healthy sexual organs, instigate more intimacy and treat any past sexual traumas.
Click here to find out how to get emotional release that you and your body so deserves.
The silent epidemic – don’t suffer in silence
by theadmin on Nov.16, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Tantric Journey begins with four key practices:
- Deep breathing with focus
- Body movement with feelings
- Chanting with expression of emotions
- Tantric Massage to remove negative imprints
Through the practice of Tantric Journey teaching and guidance is offered to teach clients how to become receptive to the four key practices. The process moves at a pace set by the client and helps with sexual dysfunctions, enhancing sexuality; teaching the individual to fully relax and be able to fully let go. Breaking down the layers of negativity and removing Body Armouring, Tantric Journey can help to eliminate aches and pains and help to deal with many negative issues around sexuality leading to a heightened sense of wellbeing and a new ability to enjoy pleasure and sexuality.
Mal Weeraratne explains how his pioneering treatment Tantric Journey can help anyone who wants to improve the quality and well-being of their life, by teaching them to understand the needs of their own body, mind and spirit and being able to communicate effectively to fulfil and gain their needs and desires.
He explains how we are all born free and pure, with positivity and love, which is the natural state of our being. However, throughout our existence we are subjected to a barrage of negative beliefs, conditioning, physical and psychological abuse which slowly builds up layer upon layer of negativity. What Tantric Journey aims to do is peel back these layers and restore a state of balance and positivity.
Allow Mal Weeraratne to assist with all areas of sexual dysfunction and female impotence.
Mainstream medicine still struggles to diagnose and effectively treat female sexual dysfunction. The symptoms can include lack of sexual desire, an inability to enjoy sex, pain during intercourse, insufficient vaginal lubrication or, even if sexually aroused, a failure to achieve an orgasm leading to feelings of inadequacy, depression and alienation. According to The Sexual Advice Association, sexual problems affect around 50% of women, making it a common problem that remains largely unheard of. It seems that most women think they are the only ones in the world to have these problems because all the magazine articles and media coverage are about amazing sex and fantastic orgasms, but there are thousands of women out there who are in the same situation.
Many women still fail to seek treatment due to embarrassment or fear that health professionals will misunderstand them. Talking about sexual dysfunction can become a great obstacle and it is usual for couples to avoid talking about it, choosing to ignore it rather than face the awkwardness of discussion for fear of abnormality. Indeed it is only as a last resort when their relationships are at breaking point that they search for help. Go on a tantric journey with Mal and change your life.
Take yourself on an exciting journey
by theadmin on Sep.22, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Functions of Female Ejaculation
An ancient Tantric subject often over looked and considered taboo relating it to the most indecent of thoughts in the mainstream arena – Female Ejaculation lies as the tainted and unexplained in the female Sexual Health industry.
Female Ejaculation is colloquially known as ‘squirting’.
Often dismissed as incontinence and as a probable condition befallen upon certain females; the functionality of the Female Ejaculation remains scientifically unexplained and left unknown. The nature of scientific disinterest contributes to solid fact that only a certain number of women also only quite a handful number, have publicly reported to be able to ejaculate in comparison to the mass population. As the society moved onto a less emotional platform to a logical and scientific plateau amongst patriarchy, the art of love making became biological and anything that did not serve physical purpose was rendered useless. Hence the subject has not been thoroughly studied – at least to console the women in the dark. However, the chemical composition has been found to have prostatic secretions and been scientifically validated stating that the excretion (fluid) from the ejaculation differs from urine completely overhauling the blind accusations of incontinence and bladder dysfunctions.
Also having had the Adult Film industry exploiting this scientific disinterest, the subject of Female Ejaculation was tucked at the hidden corner of the closet for a tarred image.
Being a British Pioneer in the area of Body Work and the first certified Advanced Tantra Educator in UK (from Source School of Tantra) I, Mal, have bridged the misunderstanding of the function of Female Ejaculation. Using Tantric and Toa techniques, I intend to release negative emotions from the female body and Female Ejaculation being the essence of the treatment.
The excretion (fluid) from the female is referred to as the Amrita in Sanskrit. Amrita means sweet nectar of life. The Japanese doctor Masaru Emoto claims that human consciousness affects molecular structure of water. When this finding is related to the fluid structure of the Amrita, it is certain under a microscope negative molecule of emotions will be found.
Thus giving a name to the face of the unexplained functionality of the Female Ejaculation through the art of Tantra and Tao teaching.
My bodywork to release emotions is also called the Sacred Spot Massage, G Spot Massage, Vaginal Massage or the Yoni Massage.
Through the belief that the callused negative emotions can armor the core of the female sexuality draping away pleasure and ‘being’ of a woman, my body work for emotional release has been articulately seasoned through decades of practice and perfecting over 3000 women all over the world.
The punch line being Female Ejaculation is vital and ‘revoltingly’ healthy for the overall wellbeing of a woman that only can be regarded as ‘normal’.
Mal Weeraratne will help you along your tantric journey
by theadmin on Sep.21, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Do you suffer from female impotence? Often women do not seek help for fear of being labelled, fear of being inadequate or through embarrassment. Those do seek help often find that the treatment offered falls short of their needs and results in a deeper sense of despair.
Eighty per cent of women who seek help for sexual dysfunction complain of having no sexual desire, libido, tiredness, depression, illness, stress, anxiety, relationship disharmony and negative body image. Although it may not appear serious at first, the condition can cause much unhappiness and frustration if it is not talked about and effectively treated.
Mal Weeraratne an expert in female sexuality explains that the mainstream courses of treatment including marriage guidance and sex therapy often prove ineffective because they do not address and treat the whole problem. Mal who is the founder of Tantric Journey has worked in the sexual therapy sector since 1994 and in an authority on the subject of the female orgasm, he has helped thousands of women regain sexual feelings and lead happy live with fulfilled intimate relationships.
Mal explains how unfortunately, when sex has equalled pain (either physical or emotional), a vicious cycle often sets in and women avoid sex altogether or unintentionally put up barriers known as ‘Body Armouring’. Wilhelm Reich the pioneer psychotherapist and sexologist who postulated the orgasm theory: That full orgasm is the very centre of human experience and ultimately determines the happiness of the human race, developed the theory of Body Armouring, the process whereby past traumatic experiences are stored in the body muscle tissue at cellular level and as a result the body’s tissues harden, creating tension and blocking energy in the area that has been traumatised. This means that traces of the emotional content of every negative sexual experience have been recorded in the muscular tissue of your genitals.
Mal explains how past traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse, rape, complicated childbirth, surgery or negative attitudes to sex may all contribute to the lack of ability to orgasm as every unsatisfied sexual experience is recorded in the cellular memory of your body. Creating an invisible armouring, that your body creates to reduce its vulnerability to pain, discomfort and possible danger. There is a parallel to this process and this is the reduction in the ability to experience pleasure.
Research has shown that only a quarter of women achieve orgasm through penile penetration, leaving three quarters in need of additional clitoral stimulation. It is estimated that 12 per cent of women are anorgasmic (never reach a climax). In fact because the sexual organs have been subjected to vigorous condemnation from childhood, onwards, the pelvic basin has become a major storehouse of negative imprints, restricting and inhibiting the woman’s ability to enjoy full sexual capacity and preventing the full enjoyment of orgasmic release. In effect the armouring process not only protects from pain, but also from the woman’s own desires and instincts.
Mal explains how his pioneering treatment Tantric Journey can help anyone who wants to improve the quality and well-being of their life, by teaching them to understand the needs of their own body, mind and spirit and being able to communicate effectively to fulfil and gain their needs and desires.
He explains how we are all born free and pure, with positivity and love, which is the natural state of our being. However, throughout our existence we are subjected to a barrage of negative beliefs, conditioning, physical and psychological abuse which slowly builds up layer upon layer of negativity. What Tantric Journey aims to do is peel back these layers and restore a state of balance and positivity.
Tantric Journey begins with four key practices:
- Deep breathing with focus
- Body movement with feelings
- Chanting with expression of emotions
- Tantric Massage to remove negative imprints
Through the practice of Tantric Journey teaching and guidance is offered to teach clients how to become receptive to the four key practices. The process moves at a pace set by the client and helps with sexual dysfunctions, enhancing sexuality; teaching the individual to fully relax and be able to fully let go. Breaking down the layers of negativity and removing Body Armouring, Tantric Journey can help to eliminate aches and pains and help to deal with many negative issues around sexuality leading to a heightened sense of wellbeing and a new ability to enjoy pleasure and sexuality.
Take yourself on a healing journey
by theadmin on Jul.19, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty

Have you ever wanted to know about Tantra? Learn how to awaken your true self with a Tantra Taster Evening and find out Tantric Training Workshops and Tantric Training Courses London.
How close are you to wanting ecstasy? Find out how you can with this fabulous and exciting evening, if you are an individual, a couple or a practitioner don’t miss this!
WHEN: Saturday 19th July
TIME: 6-9pm
Come along and meet Mal Weeraratne who is a Tao and Tantric Master who founded Tantric Journey and hear all about Tantric Training Courses and Tantric massage London.
Tantra and Tao are an ancient eastern science, which included sexuality and spirituality as a doorway to ecstasy, creation, healing, good health and enlightenment. Tantra was born in India around 5th Century AD.
Tao is the Chinese version of Tantra which dates back many 1,000’s of years based on similar principles.
Tantric Journey is an awakening and healing process based on this ancient science to help:
- Release both emotional and physical toxins from body
- Enhance love, intimacy and sexuality
- Improve relationships
- Heal your body, mind and spirit
Four keys of Tantric Journey
- Deep bodywork to evoke emotions and to relax the body
- Deep breathing to release evoked negative emotions
- Sounds to disperse emotions through expression
- Body movements to disperse stagnant negative emotions
Recent research has shown following benefits from the results of Tantric Journey practices:
- Contribute to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain and enhance the production of endorphins, making people more relaxed, healthy, and happy reducing tension and stress
- Improve circulation to sexual organs and regulate menstrual cycles in women
- Increase fertility
- Improve body detox process to prevent cancer
- Improve body immune system and self-healing mechanism
- Increase levels of Oxytocin hormones to bond with the partner
Click here to find out more about Tantric Training Courses West London