Alternative Therapy
Female Dysfunction: The Silent Epidemic
by theadmin on Jul.10, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Do you suffer in silence with female dysfunction?
Contrary to popular belief, the male population are not the only sufferers of sexual dysfunction. Majority of people are aware of erectile dysfunction, impotence and issues that relate to male sexuality, however, it is estimated that four out of ten British women suffer from sexual dysfunction and despite it being common it is still largely ignored.
Mainstream medicine still struggles to diagnose and effectively treat female sexual dysfunction. The symptoms can include lack of sexual desire, an inability to enjoy sex, pain during intercourse, insufficient vaginal lubrication or, even if sexually aroused, a failure to achieve an orgasm leading to feelings of inadequacy, depression and alienation. According to The Sexual Advice Association, sexual problems affect around 50% of women, making it a common problem that remains largely unheard of. It seems that most women think they are the only ones in the world to have these problems because all the magazine articles and media coverage are about amazing sex and fantastic orgasms, but there are thousands of women out there who are in the same situation.
Many women still fail to seek treatment due to embarrassment or fear that health professionals will misunderstand them. Talking about sexual dysfunction can become a great obstacle and it is usual for couples to avoid talking about it, choosing to ignore it rather than face the awkwardness of discussion for fear of abnormality. Indeed it is only as a last resort when their relationships are at breaking point that they search for help.
Fortunately times appear to be changing and women desperate to improve their quality of life are beginning to take action and seek help. Mal Weeraratne founder of Tantric Journey is a specialist in the field of female sexual dysfunction and works as a trained therapist, helping women overcome their difficulties through Sexual Healing & Relationship Therapy.
Through his Tantric Journey work Mal has helped to release many women from their negative emotional restraints and open a new gateway of self-actualization. He has treated thousands of women from across the globe to overcome physical inhibitions such as sexual dysfunction, insomnia, inability to achieve orgasm, stresses, body aches and vagainism. Aiding them to improve relationships or increase intimacy with their partners and even successfully find partners. Whilst increasing self confidence in women by defeating their deteriorative subconscious ways and allowing them to enter realm of positive energy.
Sexual Healing and Awakening Massage Techniques
by theadmin on May.25, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Would you like to change the direction of your life, take up a new challenge? Do you enjoy dealing with people and making a difference in their lives through healing? Have you ever wanted to become a Tantric Teacher? Would you like to get involved in a business where you can recover your investment in one week? If you answer yes, to any of the above then this Tantra course London is just for you:
Tantric Journey offers professional tantric teachers training courses in London. Start a New Career or add new skills to your existing career to attract more repeat clients by offering the true “Art of Healing” though Tantra.
- You will learn a to perform a life changing treatment for the client
- Spaces are limited to 14 per each month
- Put down £190 deposit to reserve your space
Tantric Journey School of Sexual Healing and Awakening
Learn Tantric Journey School of Sexual Healing and Awakening Massage Techniques to help release body armouring in sexual organs.
1-2-1 Teacher Training with Mal 5 spaces left
Price: £1900
1-2-1 Individual Training within 10 days (1 day per week) during 4 – 12 months.
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – July14 spaces left
Price: £990 – From: 11-07-2014 to 18-07-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – September14 spaces left
Price: £990 – From: 04-09-2014 to 11-09-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – October14 spaces left
Price: £990 – From: 03-10-2014 to 10-10-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – November14 spaces left
Price: £990 – From: 14-11-2014 to 21-11-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – December14 spaces left
Price: £990 – From: 12-12-2014 to 19-12-2014 has loads of information about yoni massage classes, Tantric Treatments for Women and yoni massage classes London
Mal Weeraratne is a certified Tantra Educator in the UK
by theadmin on May.23, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Mal Weeraratne is renowned for his well-known Tantric Journey therapy, Mal has a passion for assisting people to enhance their lives giving them freedom and liberating their lives.
Mal Weeraratne is a British Pioneer In the Area of Emotional Release through bodywork, Who has studied in various accredited institutes under pioneers & experts earning him the accolade of being the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK.
Mal has worked in the field of Human Sexuality since 1994, both in learning and treating over 3000 clients from all walks of life.
Read what some of Mal’s clients have to say about how this revolutionary therapy has changed their lives.
Hello Mal,
Its nearly a week since my session, the results are still developing beautifully. After a few days of feeling and looking a bit pale and low in energy, today I had a client for bodywork; the quality of my work seems positively affected, I had a really good time too! My family relationships are nicer, I am less edgy and more gentle, although firm. My energy is better…even my body odours are improved!
I’m experiencing my body more as I used to in the Sannyas Commune – as one flowing gorgeous organism, open, with immediate potential for pleasure and swift release of trauma.
Your brochure is a professional piece of work, and I have no hesitation in handing it around to the right people.
Gabrielle Naturopath – London
January 2013
Hello Mal,
I am back in my job here in the Bank Colombia. I have been here for 3 weeks and it has been difficult to adapt again, because I really enjoyed my 6 months there. Today, I have to tell you THANK U, because London hadn’t been same without you. You made better and more comfortable my stay in London.
I have missed you a lot and I have been remembering you all the time…
You were one of these angels for me…
I recognize that I love my family and I missed them a lot, that my city is beautiful, that we have the best weather in the world, that people here is very warm and we have everything we need to live well and loved…but now, I must accept that I don’t have any barriers, that there are many possibilities in the world and I can do whatever I want… For that reason I know that we can see us again and there are no limits to find us and to hug us again.
KTA – London
October 2011
Dear Mal,
I saw you on Friday evening. Thank you so much for your wonderful knowledge.
I came to you at my lowest ebb. Your treatment was like receiving/ experiencing a little bit of heaven. As the minutes moved on – the scales dropped off – I can vaguely see through the crack into the light. I have had an intermittent head-ache over the weekend but also feel more grounded, less stressed, and optimistic.
I notice that you do 30 minute sessions of chanting with sounds – Toning is what you mentioned I needed as part of my process. Please may I make an appointment for a Friday or Monday whenever you can fit me in.
I also mentioned that I am a massage/psycho and hypno-therapist. – and so as you can imagine – I am already thinking that i would like to move towards asking you to under-take to be my teacher and guide along the process – but all in the fullness of time, when you think i am ready. In the mean time i look forward to seeing you as much as i can afford. At the moment i don’t even have a job – or a divorce!
If any of your students ever need a body to work on please may I volunteer?
So all in all many doors will now open, I look forward to the process.
Thank you again for your time, expertise, patience, and kindness.
Hugs and love,
Janice – London
16th February 2009
Why Is There A Need For An Alternative Model To A Brothel?
by theadmin on Mar.13, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
In 1994 Mal Weeraratne founded the first Tantra Temple model in the UK, this was a center where sexually wounded and disenfranchised could seek healing. This was a place where issues such as childhood abuse, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, sexual trauma, and intimacy issues could all be addressed and healed. This was a not-for-profit business and one that was founded to address the issue of sexual healing. However, it was branded a brothel and forced to shut down by the English Authorities.
What Mal had set up was a Tantric Temple Model that offered men the opportunity to be healed and was an alternative to visiting a prostitute.It is currently estimated that 80,000 people working on the streets that are involved in prostitution in the UK (Kinnell 1999 -many experts believe the number to be far higher now and Mal believes there are over 500,000 prostitutes working in the UK, on the street, working from home, brothels, massage parlous and in Escort agencies). Worryingly statistics tell us that up to 5,000 children may be involved in prostitution at any one time, with a female to male ratio of four to one. [Home Office (2004), Paying the price]. These figures are from official statistics and it is probable that the true figures of those involved in prostitution are far higher.
In London alone, there are 2,000 brothels, all of which employ immigrant labour – as much as 80 per cent in some cases and with much of it being illegal. There are many issues that surround prostitution including abuse, sexually transmitted disease, trafficking, drugs, underage girls and poor working conditions. Women and children abused in prostitution experience severe and long lasting physical and mental health problems. Prostitution is harmful to the prostitute as constantly submitting to unwanted sex is very damaging to women’s mental health, self-esteem and sexuality and often leads to the need to disassociate – through taking drugs and/or alcohol. Whatever the reason for women entering prostitution, her drug and alcohol dependency is likely to increase. Prostitution also has an impact on family life, for families where women become involved, and also families of the men who buy sex including health risks and loss of income. It is fair to conclude that the model of prostitution that currently exists in the UK is far from ideal and whilst it is an industry in demand it is one that does not protect its workers or resolve the issues of the men that seek their services.
According to research nearly 1 in 10 UK men visit prostitutes (university College London and Home Office), however, due to the secretive and illegal nature of visiting prostitutes and brothels, it is difficult to gain accurate statistics and it is thought that most men visit or seek the services of a sex worker at some stage in their life. Mal explains that many men visiting prostitutes need healing and are searching for solutions to their emotional pain and sexual dysfunction, he goes on to explain that they will not find these answers at a brothel as they need deep healing work. Indeed the research from PRE concluded many men got nothing but a ‘bad feeling’ from visiting prostitutes.
Mal explains that if‘damaged’ men, i.e. men that have been abused, sexually traumatized or have been emotionally deprived are likely to experience sexual blockages. Mal explains that emotional deprivation including the absence of breast feeding or sufficient breast feeding as a baby can cause men to experience emotional difficulties in adulthood. Therapist Kimberly Moffit confirmed that breastfeeding has psychological benefits, including increased cognitive development. Studies also demonstrate that breastfed children are less likely to have behavioral problems, and more likely to have higher IQs. According to widely accepted research, the bond babies develop with their mothers due to breastfeeding leads to better emotional development and stability.(1)The act of breastfeeding and the skin-to-skin contact involved releases the hormones serotonin and Oxycontin in both the mom and baby, which encourages a strong emotional bond between them. (2) furthermore, breastfed children are protected against mental health problems (3,4) and addictions.(5) They tend to be higher in intelligence (6,7) and more emotionally secure than children who were not breastfed.(8)
It follows that boys who are rejected by their mother’s or are deprived of touch from their family go onto lack security, confidence, love and intimacy. The importance of touch and the power of touch should not be dismissed or underestimated. We begin receiving tactile signals whilst still in the womb, with the vibration of a mother’s heartbeat being amplified by amniotic fluid. Professor Peter Andersen, author of ‘Nonverbal Communication: Forms and Functions, explains that touch is important in the relationship between children and caregivers, he says, “It’s an essential channel of communication with caregivers for a child,”. The skill of non-verbal communication through touch is essential for bonding and if this is not learned at an early then it can cause problems in the forming of relationships and in expressing emotion.
Similarly, the lack of a father in the family unit or parental abandonment has serious consequences on the development of a boy. Boys that don’t have a father figure actively involved in their life are more likely to suffer from depression, withdrawal, feelings of social and physical inadequacy and to get bullied.
Boys who don’t receive enough attention, time, acceptance, encouragement, tenderness, discipline, stability, security, guidance, love or wisdom from their parents and caregivers as children are more likely to suffer from mental health issues including anxiety, aggression, withdrawal and impulse control and mood disorders. Research also shows that these boys will often encounter difficulties forming peer relationship will have a higher risk of depression and suicide risk. Furthermore they will go on to have problems establishing loving relationships with girls and are more likely to form addictions, serve prison sentences or get in trouble with the law. In short these boys can grow up to be violent with stagnant anger emotions stored. If these blockages are not treated they can go on to pose a threat to society, by becoming child abusers, committing domestic violence, raping etc., indeed the study by PRE supports this view with the study recording nearly one-half of the sex buyers stating that rape happens because men get sexually carried away (47%) or their sex drive gets “out of control” (48%). Sixteen per cent stating that they would rape a woman if they could be assured that they would not be caught. Acknowledging their sexually coercive behaviors with non-prostitute women, 37% told us that they had tricked non-prostituting women into having sex by lying to them.
It seems that the old myth that brothels stop rape is not true and that in the wake of The Savile scandal that shocked the nation, and a rise in reports of sexual abuse that is consistent with sharp jumps in reports of physical attacks on children and the statistics of domestic violence failing to fall coupled with the fact that statistics only tell the story of those cases reported; it seems more important than ever that we need a way of stopping men from committing these terrible crimes and creating more victims that continue the cycle of abuse. Mal strongly believes that Tantric healing is the solution to breaking this cycle of abuse. However his views and beliefs have seen him encounter a prison cell whilst serving a sentence for living off immoral earnings, despite the fact he never took a penny profit.
Sexual healing for women
by theadmin on Jan.23, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Do you suffer from sexual dysfunction which is affecting your life? Speak to Mal Weeraratne a British Pioneer In the Area of Emotional Release through bodywork, Who has studied in various accredited institutes under pioneers & experts earning him the accolade of being the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK.
Tantric Journey is a an awakening and healing process based on this ancient science to help:
- Life long – the dysfunction has always been present.
- Acquired – at some point the person was able to function without the dysfunction.
- Situational – dysfunction occurs in some situations and not others.
- Generalised – dysfunction occurs regardless of the situation.
Tantra can help anyone who wants to improve the quality and well being of their life, by understanding the needs of their own body, mind and spirit, and being able to communicate effectively to fulfill their needs.
We are all born free and pure, with positivity and love, which is the true essence of our being. Throughout our existence we are subject to adding layer after layer of negative believes, conditioning, emotions, physical and psychological abuse.
Body Armouring
According to Wilhelm Reich, the pioneer psychotherapist and sexologist, “Body Armouring” is viewed as a process whereby past traumatic experiences are stored in the body muscle tissue in a cellular level and as a result the body’s tissues harden, creating tension and blocking energy in the area that has been traumatised. Traces of the emotional content of every unsatisfied sexual experience have been recorded in the muscular tissues of your genitals, building up tension in the area so slowly that you did not even suspect that it was happening.
By armouring itself, body’s intention is to reduce it’s vulnerability to pain, discomfort and possible danger. But this process has the parallel effect of reducing our capacity for feeling pleasure.
In fact, because the sexual organs have been subject to vigorous condemnation from childhood onwards, the pelvic basin has become a major storehouse of negative imprints, greatly reducing our capacity for sexual pleasure and preventing full enjoyment of orgasmic release.
Enhance love, intimacy and sexuality
by theadmin on Oct.30, 2013, under Alternative Therapy, Health, Health & Beauty
Tantra, an ancient eastern science, which included sexuality and spirituality as a doorway to ecstasy, creation, healing and enlightenment. Tantra was born in India around 5000 BC, through the sacred union of Hindu god Shiva, pure “Consciousness” and his consort, the goddess Shakti, pure “Energy”.
Tantric Journey with Mal Weerarante is a an awakening and healing process based on this ancient science to help:
- Enhance love, intimacy and sexuality
- Improve relationships
- Heal your body, mind and spirit
Recent research has shown that tantric practices contribute to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain and enhance the production of endorphins, making people more relaxed, healthy, and happy reducing tension and stress.
To help you decide whether to go ahead with the Tantric Journey, try and answer some of the following questions.
- Have you ever felt incomplete during sex because your partner has already “landed” before you have even had a chance to “take off”?
- Have you ever glimpsed an ecstatic moment in love and later felt that you did not know the way back?
- Have you ever wished to be touched at the core of your being, yet felt afraid to open your self up and be vulnerable?
- Have you ever felt bored with sex in a long-term relationship and found yourself wishing you could capture the passion that used to make sex between you so exciting?
- Whilst making love or just afterwards, have you ever wondered: Isn’t there more to sex, than this?
If you have answered, “yes” to any one of theses questions, you sense intuitively, the value of taking part in the Tantric Journey.
Sexual Healing
by theadmin on Nov.10, 2011, under Alternative Therapy
Sexual Healing and Relationship Therapy are just two of the many alternative therapies offered at Buty Salon’s two branches: Hammersmith & Fulham. These two beauty salons are run by Mal and his wife Sam. Mal is a qualified massage therapist with 20 years of experience in body work and also knowledgeable to 21 different styles of massages. He treats sexual dysfunctions instigated by deeply rooted problems. Mal has helped to release many women from their negative emotional restraints and open a new gateway of self-actualization. As Mal says, “Tantric bodywork is my passion”.
His clients are through word of mouth and many of whom are thousands of women around the world. Mal also travels around the world sharing and teaching, his knowledge on Tantra through presentations & master classes. Despite the harsh social judgment on the sexual arena, Mal has been able to retain his clients through sincere dedication.
To find out more about Sexual Healing & Relationship Therapy contact Mal at Buty Salon.