IBS Solberg Blower & Product Distributors
by theadmin on Sep.16, 2016, under Blowers, Industrial
What sets IBS Blowers apart from their competition? IBS are dedicated to living up to the Mission Statement which is: ‘(Our mission is) to keep the clients operation moving via astute advice, efficient service and technical excellence’. Each member of this innovative team of people ensures they uphold their mission and collectively they ensure their clients have no unnecessary downtime. IBS are distributors for many world renowned brands offering the market many options to choose from depending on the industry sector such as root type blowers and Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps. IBS provide support to ensure keeping downtime to a minimum.
Industry is heavily dependent on the efficient operation of your Siemens Vacuum Pumps. Our experienced staff are able to analyse problems, advice on the most cost-effective/efficient solution and how quickly that solution can be implemented. Site Visits and Support IBS have a team of experienced engineers to provide on-site services and technical/sales staff available to provide telephone support. They have a fleet of modern vehicles including HIAB equipped flatbeds for speedy transport, handling and on-site support. Solberg Blower & Product Distributor