Tag: emotional detox
Release Stored Trauma from The Body
by theadmin on Sep.05, 2023, under Mal Weeraratne
If you recognise the impact of thoughts, emotions and beliefs are stored within the body, influencing future well-being and health, then you’re likely aware that periodic purges of negative emotions are vital for sustained wellness. Mal Weeraratne offers an innovative approach to emotionally detoxify the body, liberating it from negativity to facilitate a fresh beginning. Mal Weeraratne is an authority on the topic of releasing negativity from the body, having dedicated his life’s work to studying under holistic bodywork. Drawing on the ancient disciplines of Tantric and Taoist bodywork and combining them, Mal Weeraratne has aided countless individuals and couples in their journey toward healing, renewal and love.
Mal Weeraratne‘s methodology integrates Eastern insights with Western allopathic medical knowledge, birthing the revolutionary healing technique known as Tantric Journey. The wisdom of India and China as practiced in the form of Tantric and Taoist (Daoist) philosophies to target the body’s energy centres, known as Chakras, initiate the release of life energy. This energy, believed to flow through all living entities, holds the power to enhance the body’s innate healing capacity when in alignment. Both traditions recognise the body’s physical energy as being intrinsically linked to life energy, hence its role in the healing process. With the guidance of the principles of Tantric Journey, Mal Weerarante believes that his work has the power to literally change lives for women, men and couples.
Mal Weerarante has been training and in practice for more than 20 years having travelled all over the world and learning from the some of the greatest teachers in this healing field. Mal expresses great understanding that he has had the privilege to help thousands of women but remains grounded with the view that each person he works with, is sharing their unique story with him and as such, he remains the perpetual student.
Emotions form the basis of our experience of stress and trauma and when these emotions are stored in the body’s cellular memory; this is when negative issues arise in the form of emotional or physical disease. There are 3 types of Tantra which can help us to release stored trauma from the body.
White Tantra focuses on the conscious emotions, rather than going deeper into the unconscious and the self-healing tends to take a significant amount of time to release surface emotions. We use white Tantra when we embark on a path of self-healing using techniques such as visualisation, yoga, meditation and spiritual work.
Pink Tantra works with communication, love and intimacy and requires a second person to assist. It is used to evoke emotions related to traumas which you have experienced. These emotions can be evoked through touch and breathing.
The third type of Tantra is the most effective and works with the emotions which sit in the pelvic basin. It is this area where most of the deep-seated emotions will be found and this is where the focus of Tantra works in sync with your body to release these emotions, bringing back a positive outlook on life and lifting a person into a more joyful sexual and physical life.
Heal your Mind and Body with Tantric Journey
by theadmin on Feb.11, 2018, under Mal Weeraratne
Mal Weeraratne – author of Emotional Detox through Bodywork- talks about the true meaning of Tantra
‘No examination of the art of Tantra would be complete without first examining its history’, writes Mal Weeraratne in his fascinating book ‘Emotional Detox – through Bodywork. In a chapter entitled, ‘ Ancient Practice, Modern Uses’, Mal Weeraratne goes on to explain that ‘Tantra started over 5,000 years ago in India. From India it went to china and they call it Tao’.
Mal explains that Tantra was originally practised as a path to enlightenment through sensual energy called Prana. This is very powerful and when circulated around the body leads to a positive, energised state; indeed it invigorates the entire body. Harnessing sexual energy is a very powerful technique that is an essential tantric technique; and as Mal describes, ‘familiarity with Tantra can help a person enjoy life to the fullest’; this is because harnessing sexual energy rejuvenates and improves physiological, emotional, psychological and spiritual health.
Tantric Journey- School of Healing and Awakening was founded by Mal Weeraratne in London as a result of Mal’s development of a unique and pioneering treatment method that combines, Tantra, Tao bodywork along with specialised trauma release methods that are capable of releasing trauma at cellular level in the body. Mal Weeraratne is considered a pioneer in the field of emotional detox through bodywork and has treated thousands of clients from around the world with his unique treatment method: Tantric Journey.
Mal Weeraratne works as both a therapist and teacher from his Tantric Temple in Hammersmith, London, but also teaches at Tao Gardens in Thailand. During his training sessions Mal has witnessed many positive transformations, but for those who cannot attend one of his courses his book is an excellent self-help guide, in which Mal reveals how all women are capable of experiencing emotional freedom and ecstatic bliss, the book covers everything from information on understanding how the female body may be activated to deepen ecstatic states; yoni massage, detox diet; strengthening the pelvic floor, negative emotions, healthy orgasm, healthy male ejaculation and so much more.
Emotional Detox through bodywork is packed with practical advice and tips and readers will learn emotional trauma can block pleasure and cause disease; the difference between soft penetration and deep sustained penetration, including how to avoid premature male ejaculation; the secrets and history of female ejaculation; techniques for awakening and yoni massage; and will come to understand how emotional trauma can block pleasure and cause disease. The book is an excellent starting point for those who wish to improve their health and well-being or wish to understand how negative emotions are stored within the body.
For those who wish to seek professional help to release negative emotions and experience full release /emotional freedom from stagnant negative emotions then a session with Mal or one of his fully qualified Tantric Journey therapists is recommended. Mal Weeraratne has over twenty years experience in his field and offers one-to-one therapy sessions, 7 days per week in London, via appointment.
Mal Weeraratne founder of Tantric Journey School of Healing & Awakening
by theadmin on Nov.21, 2017, under Mal Weeraratne
Mal Weeraratne is the author of ‘Emotional Detox – through bodywork’ a unique self-help guide to releasing stagnant, negative emotions using Tantric and Tao techniques. Mal Weeraratne has treated thousands of clients and has been teaching his pioneering techniques and imparting his vast knowledge of Tantra for years, but now he offers a chance to welcome a new you into 2018 with this unique group retreat exploring Tantric – Tao bodywork for emotional wellbeing.
This unique course is taught by Mal Weeraratne himself with aid of assistants that have qualified through Tantric Journey’s Practitioner training academy.
This course offered by Mal Weeraratne is ideal for couples and individuals and the week-long training also includes dance, mantras, breath work and tantric rituals to help unblock stuck emotions and enhance relationships, in the beautiful, relaxing environment of Tao Gardens, in Thailand. No previous experience of bodywork is required. There will also be a cacao ceremony and dance on the final evening (New Year’s Eve).
The course leader, Mal Weeraratne, is a certified Tantra Educator and founder of Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening in the UK and is a British pioneer of Emotional release through bodywork, with over 20 years of experience, treating over 3000 clients from all walks of life from the UK, USA, Europe and Asia. Mal offers training in the UK and around Europe and being trained by Mal Weeraratne will ensure you gain a deep and meaningful understanding of both the practical and theoretical techniques of Emotional Detox through bodywork.
Find emotional freedom with Tantric Journey
by theadmin on Sep.24, 2016, under Mal Weeraratne
Mal Weeraratne is a British Pioneer In the Area of Emotional Release through bodywork, Who has studied in various accredited institutes under pioneers & experts earning him the accolade of being the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK.
Mal Weeraratne has worked in the field of Human Sexuality since 1994, both in learning and treating over 3000 clients from all walks of life.
Mal Weeraratne has written a book called Emotional Detox through Bodywork which can be purchased on Amazon for Kindle, Hardcover or Paperback.
Harnessing sexual energy rejuvenates and improves physiological, emotional, psychological and spiritual health. This book teaches women how to take control of the sexual energy within their bodies to remove trauma stored in the form of emotions using ancient knowledge and practices that are combined with new ground breaking insights to create an engineered trauma release technique called Tantric – Tao Bodywork for Emotional Detox. Tantric – Tao Bodywork is a British pioneer technique intended to eliminate traumatic experiences at a cellular level in the body to start living a positive life. A biological cleanse and detox to experience joy and bliss.
Having explored Tantra & Tao for 20+ years, Mal Weeraratne reveals how all women are capable of experiencing emotional freedom and ecstatic bliss. He provides readers with a unique understanding of how the female body may be activated to deepen ecstatic states.Prevailing negative attitudes in the West, work against the natural capacity of a woman to realize her full sexual potential; and ability to feel unlimited bliss and achieve deep orgasmic states. Among other alarming survey results, it is estimated as per a Cosmopolitan’s Female Orgasm Survey only 57% of women in the UK experience an orgasm when they have sex with a partner whereas the 43% has never experienced an orgasm.
This book is packed with practical advice and tips on how to harness sexual orgasmic energy and readers will learn emotional trauma can block pleasure and cause disease; the difference between soft penetration and deep sustained penetration, including how to avoid premature male ejaculation; the secrets and history of female ejaculation; techniques for awakening and yoni massage and so much more.
Heal your mind, body and soul
by theadmin on Nov.20, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Features and Benefits of Sacred Spot Massage
Find out how to gain emotional freedom and relief from sexual dysfunctions
The Sacred Spot Massage is also called the Vagina Massage, the G Spot Massage or the Yoni Massage. Through the use of Tantric and Tao body work techniques the stagnant negative emotions in a woman are released by Female Ejaculation. Emotional Detox is good for one’s soul and can be achieved through Yoni vaginal massage.
As Rumer Godden states, ‘There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.’ In order to achieve this balance the Yoni and sexual organs play a vital role in allowing our Chi, Prana or Life Force to move freely through our body.
The three ailments for the core of body work and Sacred Massage are to loosen sediments, release knots and untangle tangles.
Sediments are caused due to emotional and physical toxins that are crystalized acids in capillaries. Loosening sediments pulsating blood flow through the Yoni and other sexual organs distributing oxygen and other hormones activating health, sensuality and pleasure.
Knots in turn are surface blockages and lumps of internal tissue structure that are knotted due to stress, anger, fear, shame and other negative emotions. These knots can cause aches and pains in other body parts tending to shut down the Yoni. Knots in the superficial fasciae, lymphatic system, small nerves and capillaries can cause muscle contractions in the thighs, lower back, shoulders, neck and back.
Tangles happen at a deeper level entangling larger structures requiring deeper pressure to dissolve such as lymph nodes, tendons, larger vessels, muscles, sexual organ; also bigger structure such as fatty tissues.
The Sacred Spot Massage helps a woman in many ways one being to fathom her sexuality in comfort, increase blood flow for healthy sexual organs, instigate more intimacy and treat any past sexual traumas.
Click here to find out how to get emotional release that you and your body so deserves.