Tag: Mal Weerarante
Move forward without recreating negative behaviours and patterns
by theadmin on Nov.07, 2022, under Mal Weeraratne
Mal Weeraratne, author of Emotional Detox through Bodywork, is the founder of the Tantric Journey, the school of Healing and Awakening and Emotional Detox and the School of Holistic Body Therapy. As founder of Tantric Journey and a pioneer of deep bodywork. Mal Weeraratne has worked in the field of Emotional Detox since 1994 and has treated over 3000 clients from the UK, USA, Europe and Asia.
As an expert in emotional detox Mal Weeraratne’s techniques are designed to assist you in releasing negative emotions which have been stored up within the physical body as a result of emotions and experiences we encounter throughout our lives. We subsequently build up belief systems which we then use as a guide for the rest of our lives, using them to “tell us” that, “based on xyz emotion / experience which we have had before” we should respond accordingly. Sometimes the residues of the emotions and experiences we have had before, will dictate to our bodies which will respond as if a trigger or even a reminder of previous experiences and emotions are real, even when they haven’t even occurred again. Our body remembers these past events and the accompanying stress, anxiety or negative feeling we felt at the time by storing negative emotions. A build-up of these negative feelings can lead us into mental, emotion or physical imbalance and subsequently diseases can form.
Detoxing the body of its emotional imbalances can result in improved physical, mental and emotional fitness and well-being being restored. Emotional detox will not only help remove the negative emotions which have been stored in the body but can also eradicate the underlying beliefs, patterns and behaviours which we develop to protect ourselves, when they are no longer required or serving us. Patterns which may have developed as a defence mechanism may no longer be required and yet the body’s innate responses may still be triggered, leaving us responding negatively to a situation which no longer requires the same heightened responses.
Facing the truth behind our emotions and behaviours can only be done once we clear the body of its attachment to them otherwise, we are assured of perpetuating these learnt responses time and time again, ensuring a self-sabotaging regime which brings unnecessary stress to our lives leading to disease. Once these emotions have been cleared, we have the ability to look within with enlighten clarity and reassess whether the beliefs we have learned to protect ourselves, are still required. Once we realise that this is no longer the case, we are able to move forward without recreating negative behaviours and patterns in our lives which Mal Weeraratne, world authority on Tantra and emotional release, says can offer deep and transformative healing for mind, body and soul. Mal Weeraratne had acknowledged that his powerful emotional detox technique, detailed in the Tantric Journey, allows both men and women to ‘’start living a blissful and meaningful life again that is free from the weight of past, negative trauma’’.
Enhance love, intimacy and sexuality
by theadmin on Oct.30, 2013, under Alternative Therapy, Health, Health & Beauty
Tantra, an ancient eastern science, which included sexuality and spirituality as a doorway to ecstasy, creation, healing and enlightenment. Tantra was born in India around 5000 BC, through the sacred union of Hindu god Shiva, pure “Consciousness” and his consort, the goddess Shakti, pure “Energy”.
Tantric Journey with Mal Weerarante is a an awakening and healing process based on this ancient science to help:
- Enhance love, intimacy and sexuality
- Improve relationships
- Heal your body, mind and spirit
Recent research has shown that tantric practices contribute to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain and enhance the production of endorphins, making people more relaxed, healthy, and happy reducing tension and stress.
To help you decide whether to go ahead with the Tantric Journey, try and answer some of the following questions.
- Have you ever felt incomplete during sex because your partner has already “landed” before you have even had a chance to “take off”?
- Have you ever glimpsed an ecstatic moment in love and later felt that you did not know the way back?
- Have you ever wished to be touched at the core of your being, yet felt afraid to open your self up and be vulnerable?
- Have you ever felt bored with sex in a long-term relationship and found yourself wishing you could capture the passion that used to make sex between you so exciting?
- Whilst making love or just afterwards, have you ever wondered: Isn’t there more to sex, than this?
If you have answered, “yes” to any one of theses questions, you sense intuitively, the value of taking part in the Tantric Journey.