
Tag: Phishing tips for employees

Phishing tips for employees

by on Dec.11, 2019, under IT Support, Phishing

Phishing tips for employees

This weeks post is a continuation of last weeks Phishing tips and tricks.

Did you know Phishing currently accounts for 90% of data breaches with 30% of Phishing emails being opened? Most of the time these phishing scams can be prevented with a bit of simple know-how.

It’s important that you remain alert, vigilant and secure at all times. To prevent personal and business data loss.

Below are a few hand tips from our weekly phishing blog.

Tip 4 – Phishing links can be hidden in attachments

Not all phishing emails may contain a link within the copy of the email. Scammers can also embed links within attachments to avoid detection by email spam filters. E.g. PDF or Word doc.

If an email does not come from a source you know. Don’t open up any attachments. Speak to your IT team before hand.

Tip 5 – Real logos and brands

Scammers very often use real brand logos & branding. It’s very easy for them to pull these logos off the internet and to make a fake looking email or web page that mimics the real thing. Before you know it you have entered you secure details and they have captured them.

Always double check the source such as the domain name. Make sure the site you are on has a valid SSL certificate.

Tip 6 – Poor grammar and spelling

As soon as you see poor grammar & spelling, be suspicious. Many scammers originate from countries where English is not the first language. This can be very helpful in flagging a phishing campaign.

Interested in safeguarding your employees & business with a comprehensive online Phishing course? Click here to contact us.

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