
Tag: tantric journey

Tantric Journey- School of Healing and Awakening

by on Feb.13, 2018, under Tantric Journey, Tantric Training

Tantra Workshops and Tantric Lessons London are all available from Tantric Journey- School of Healing and Awakening.

When it comes to Tantra Workshops there are many options available, but the Tantra Workshops offered by Tantric Journey are unique in their quality and authenticity. Tantric Lessons London are run by Mal Weeraratne, founder of Tantric Journey who has studied Tantra and Tao globally, attending a Tantra Workshop with Mal will give you the opportunity to benefit from Mal’s vast knowledge of Tantra and emotional release techniques through bodywork.

Tantric Lessons London have been offered by Tantric Journey for many years and hundreds of satisfied students have benefited from a variety of Tantra workshops.  Many students have started with a tantra workshop and have gone on to study further Tantric Lessons London with Tantric Journey, with some students progressing to become Tantric Journey practitioners themselves.

Tantra Workshops and Tantric Lessons London are suitable for men, women and couples. They are truly transformative and a wonderful way to begin your very own unique Tantric Journey. Indeed many students start their Tantric path attending Tantra Workshops.

Tantra workshops are for everybody who wants to learn to experience a deeper relationship with themselves, with the people they meet and to connect with their inner sexual energy. The Tantra workshops and Tantric Lessons London offered by Tantric Journey,  encourage you to be fully alive and present in your body, connect with your feelings, your sexual nature, your heart, your being and your soul. During Tantra Workshops you will learn to embrace and understand your feelings and find a deeper friendship with yourself that builds confidence and self-esteem.  Tantric Lessons London will enable you to learn to connect with your own deep source of wisdom as you develop the capacity to listen to both to yourself and others. You learn to appreciate the richness of all the gifts that life brings you, letting go of conditions and judgments and will enable you to experience unlimited and uninhibited bliss in your life.

These educational Tantra workshops are aimed at bringing greater consciousness into your everyday life, enhancing your relationships, increasing compassion, caring and happiness.

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Mal Weeraratne founder of Tantric Journey School of Healing & Awakening

by on Nov.21, 2017, under Mal Weeraratne

Mal Weeraratne is the author of ‘Emotional Detox – through bodywork’ a unique self-help guide to releasing stagnant, negative emotions using Tantric and Tao techniques. Mal Weeraratne has treated thousands of clients and has been teaching his pioneering techniques and imparting his vast knowledge of Tantra for years, but now he offers a chance to welcome a new you into 2018 with this unique group retreat exploring Tantric – Tao bodywork for emotional wellbeing.

This unique course is taught by Mal Weeraratne himself with aid of assistants that have qualified through Tantric Journey’s Practitioner training academy.

This course offered by Mal Weeraratne is ideal for couples and individuals and the week-long training also includes dance, mantras, breath work and tantric rituals to help unblock stuck emotions and enhance relationships, in the beautiful, relaxing environment of Tao Gardens, in Thailand. No previous experience of bodywork is required. There will also be a cacao ceremony and dance on the final evening (New Year’s Eve).

The course leader, Mal Weeraratne, is a certified Tantra Educator and founder of Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening in the UK and is a British pioneer of Emotional release through bodywork, with over 20 years of experience, treating over 3000 clients from all walks of life from the UK, USA, Europe and Asia.  Mal offers training in the UK and around Europe and being trained by Mal Weeraratne will ensure you gain a deep and meaningful understanding of both the practical and theoretical techniques of Emotional Detox through bodywork.

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Mal Weeraratne is a British Pioneer of Emotional Release through bodywork

by on Oct.18, 2017, under Mal Weeraratne

Mal Weeraratne is a Tantra Master and has founded Tantric Journey – a pioneering holistic treatment program that incorporates Tantric and Tao bodywork techniques alongside other recognised holistic modalities and emotional release techniques.


The aim of Mal Weeraratne unique treatment is aiding people to gain release from negative trauma to overcome a range of physical, sexual and emotional difficulties including:  depression, sexual dysfunction, menopausal problems, vaginismus, addictions, past trauma and low self-esteem.

Mal Weeraratne is dedicated to his work in the field of emotional release through bodywork and is committed to increasing awareness of work and techniques in this field. He has travelled the world to further his knowledge of the field of human sexuality and emotional release and he has treated thousands of clients from around the world.

As a certified Tantra Educator, founder of Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening and author of Emotional Detox through bodywork Mal Weeraratne’s knowledge of emotional release and Tantra is outstanding. What Mal Weeraratne has created in Tantric Journey is a powerful and transformative therapy that is capable of releasing trauma at a cellular level within the body aiding emotional and physical recovery.

Contact Mal Weeraratne to find out about the Tantric Journey.

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Emotional Detox through Bodywork by Mal Weeraratne

by on Aug.13, 2017, under Mal Weeraratne

Mal WeeraratneFounder of Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening

Author of Emotional Detox through bodywork

Mal Weeraratne is the British Pioneer in the area of Emotional Detox through Tantra – Bodywork, who has studied in various accredited institutes under pioneers and experts earning him the accolade of being the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK, from Source School of Tantra, U.S.A. Mal Weeraratne has worked in the field of Emotional Detox since 1994 and has treated over 3000 from all walks of life spanning across U.S, Europe, UK, and U.S.A.

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Mal Weeraratne teaches women how to take control of their sexual energy within their bodies to remove trauma stored in the form of emotions using ancient knowledge and practices that are combined with new groundbreaking insights to create an engineered trauma release technique called Tantric – Bodywork for Emotional Detox.

In Mal Weeraratne’s latest book ‘Emotional Detox through Bodywork’, he advocates the importance of replenishing your system through alkalinity. In this fascinating work, he explains that ‘when undergoing healing through Deep Bodywork it is important to support your healing process by undertaking a physical detox. This is a good time to access your eating habits and cravings……when dealing with emotional or physical pain we are programmed to crave sugary food as sweet food can alleviate pain by releasing opioids.’ Mal goes on to explain that whilst there is no harm in consuming fatty or sugary foods occasionally, ‘they should not form the basis for anyone’s regular diet. The main issue is that fatty, processed and high sugar foods are acidic and an acid body is a magnet for sickness, disease, cancer, and aging.’ He recommends that we aim to follow a diet that contains at least 60% alkaline-producing foods.

A good tip for reducing the acid in your diet is to keep a food diary after a week it is easy to spot where the issues in your diet lie. There is a useful food acidity chart in Mal’s book ‘Emotional Detox through Bodywork’ and he advises that ‘it’s actually quite easy to eat a diet rich in alkaline-producing foods’, he goes on to explain that most fresh vegetables, nuts, and fruits are alkaline producing.

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Mal Weeraratne is a British Pioneer In the Area of Emotional Release

by on Apr.19, 2017, under Mal Weeraratne

Mal Weeraratne – author of Emotional Detox through Bodywork- talks about the true meaning of Tantra.

‘No examination of the art of Tantra would be complete without first examining its history’, writes Mal Weeraratne in his fascinating book ‘Emotional Detox – through Bodywork.  In a chapter entitled, ‘ Ancient Practice, Modern Uses’, Mal Weeraratne goes on to explain that ‘Tantra started over 5,000 years ago in India.  From India it went to china and they call it Tao’.

Mal explains that Tantra was originally practised as a path to enlightenment through sensual energy called Prana. This is very powerful and when circulated around the body leads to a positive, energised state; indeed it invigorates the entire body. Harnessing sexual energy is a very powerful technique that is an essential tantric technique; and as Mal describes, ‘familiarity with Tantra can help a person enjoy life to the fullest’; this is because harnessing sexual energy rejuvenates and improves physiological, emotional, psychological and spiritual health.

Tantric Journey- School of Healing and Awakening was founded by Mal Weeraratne in London as a result of Mal’s development of a unique and pioneering treatment method that combines, Tantra, Tao bodywork along with specialised trauma release methods that are capable of releasing trauma at cellular level in the body. Mal Weeraratne is considered a pioneer in the field of emotional detox through bodywork and has treated thousands of clients from around the world with his unique treatment method:  Tantric Journey.

Mal Weeraratne works as both a therapist and teacher from his Tantric Temple in Hammersmith, London, but also teaches at Tao Gardens in Thailand. During his training sessions Mal has witnessed many positive transformations, but for those who cannot attend one of his courses his book is an excellent self-help guide, in which Mal reveals how all women are capable of experiencing emotional freedom and ecstatic bliss, the book covers everything from information on understanding how the female body may be activated to deepen ecstatic states; yoni massage, detox diet; strengthening the pelvic floor, negative emotions, healthy orgasm, healthy male ejaculation and so much more.

Emotional Detox through bodywork is packed with practical advice and tips and readers will learn emotional trauma can block pleasure and cause disease; the difference between soft penetration and deep sustained penetration, including how to avoid premature male ejaculation; the secrets and history of female ejaculation; techniques for awakening and yoni massage; and will come to understand how emotional trauma can block pleasure and cause disease. The book is an excellent starting point for those who wish to improve their health and well-being or wish to understand how negative emotions are stored within the body.

For those who wish to seek professional help to release negative emotions and experience full release /emotional freedom from stagnant negative emotions then a session with Mal or one of his fully qualified Tantric Journey therapists is recommended. Mal Weeraratne has over twenty years experience in his field and offers one-to-one therapy sessions, 7 days per week in London, via appointment.

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Mal Weeraratne Bodywork Healer

by on Nov.13, 2016, under Mal Weeraratne

Healing with Mal Weeraratne

Mal Weeraratne is an alternative healer who masters in the art of Emotional Detox through Bodywork. He is the Founder of Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening and he is the British pioneer of Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork.

Mal Weeraratne has just released his first book Emotional Detox through Bodywork which was released in May 2016. The book talks about his expertise as a Bodywork healer for almost two decades, his techniques and perspective on emotional healing.

With the rise of researches on emotions and physical health Mal’s work is revolutionary as it has been able to bring about healing to over 3000 women. Despite its unconventional methodology that is often criticized there is ample information and data to validate and solidify the healing model created by Mal Weeraratne.

Mal’s work has gained quite a momentum that it has expanded it’s teaching to Thailand in unison with the Tao Grandmaster Mantak Chia. Mal takes Tantric Journey on an annual Emotional Detox retreat to Tao Gardens in Chiang Mai.

Mal Weeraratne is a born Buddhist from the island of Sri Lanka and having had a Buddhist upbringing enjoys the Tao Garden environment to practice his sensitive and soul soothing workshop. He believes nature plays a vital role in healing and greenery is quite capable of absorbing the negative energy that a client is trying to release.

Emotional Detox through Bodywork is Mal Weeraratne hard work and years of study for the sole intention of healing the lives of people who are in dire need of healing.

Emotional Detox through Bodywork is a well sought after alternative emotional release therapy by men, women and couples. Men like to learn the art of Emotional Detox through Bodywork to help their partner, women like to learn Emotional Detox through Bodywork  heal themselves of trauma or cleanse themselves of negativity. And lastly couples opt to adapt Emotional Detox through Bodywork into their relationship to develop intimacy, trust and love.

Mal Weeraratne has encountered a lot of negativity in his path to healing as the treatment model is often referred to as ‘unconventional’ as the knowledge of emotional healing is still growing. Through the years all physical ailments has always been traced back to a lack in physical or biological malfunction that the idea of emotional dysfunction causing physical discomfort is a brand new concept in healing. But the reality of healing portrays the fact the mind is a major factor in healing; if the mind that controls the emotions is calibrated to a healing frequency the body heals automatically.

Having encompassed abundant knowledge on the reality of healing Mal Weeraratne studied in depth about emotions, the body’s energy systems and ancient techniques that mastered emotional healing.

Despite the negativity having seen the realm of happiness his clients enter after his treatment, Mal decided to start his school of Healing and Awakening called Tantric Journey to make the public more aware of emotional healing and to teach his techniques to others who wish to heal.

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Meet Mal the man behind the rumours…

by on Oct.17, 2016, under Mal Weeraratne

Mal is the Founder of Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening and he is the British pioneer of Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork. Mal has worked in the field of Human Sexuality since 1994. Mal masters in the art of emotional detox through the concept called Yoni massage.

Mal Weeraratne studied at the International Centre for Release and Integration in Mill Valley, California, studying under Dr Jack Painter, the pioneer of Postural Integration. He also studied at Source School of Tantra in Maui, Hawaii under Charles and Caroline Muir for two years, giving him his CTE certificate and becoming the first Advance Certified Tantra Educator in the UK from Source School of Tantra. All the experiences lead Mal to become the founder and proprietor of Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening. Therefore due to his immense knowledge and experience Mal decided to spread his knowledge of his healing technique through Tantric Journey.

Mal was born in Sri-Lanka and he was a successful businessman who developed his own franchise business in 1990’s before he embarked on Tantric Journey.

Men like to learn the art of Emotional Detox thorugh Bodywork to help their partner, women to heal themselves of trauma or cleanse themselves of negativity. Couples opt for the Tantric Journey Yoni massage to better their relationships.

Following are the virtues Mal Weeraratne has developed over many years through Tantric practices:

  • Pure Intention
  • Attentioin
  • Patience
  • Trust
  • Unconditional love

Mal Weeraratne has collaborated with the Tao Gardens Grandmaster Mantak Chia, offering Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork workshops in Thailand that teach the Tantric Journey Yoni massage. Mal gives talks and workshops throughout Europe on the Yoni massage classes in London.

Mal says “As a Daka. I have treated over 3,000 female clients from all walks of life from the UK, USA, Europe and Asia. I give Talks, Workshops and Teacher Training Classes in the UK and Europe.”

Why see a Daka?

Mal Weeraratne talks about him being a Daka for Tantric Journey Yoni massage in London, “I act as a catalyst to help you evoke and release your negative stagnant emotions embedded in your cellular memory as a result of trauma and belief systems. Once negativity leaves your body, you will be filled with joy and happiness which will help you to achieve your highest potential to enhance your love, intimacy, sexuality, relationships, trust, communication, awareness and spirituality and ultimate freedom and empowerment by meeting your goddess.”

Mal’s Tantric Journey is a ground breaking trauma release technique engineered to free all men, women and couples of trauma allowing them to celebrate life.

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Sexual healing for couples

by on Feb.09, 2015, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty

What is sex therapy?

A Tantric Journey Sex Therapy is far beneficial than generally perceived. The sex therapy has been able to heal more than 3000 women worldwide. The sex therapy testimonials by Tantric Journey’s clients are lathered with gratitude and immense relief from the taunting issues that haunted these women.  Tantric Journey has allowed many to turn around their lives into a more positive and happy note from a dark and hopeless place. Women who have never been able to maintain steady or healthy relationships have been able to find life partners and lead happy lives. Couples who have been torn apart from emotional restraint and intimacy issues have been able to reconcile and maintain fruitful relationships. Sex therapy has been able to heal individuals of childhood physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. Sex therapy has also allowed victims of domestic violence, toxic relationships and day to day harassments due to social condition untangle themselves away from the mesh of trauma.

Tantric Journey sex therapist performs a clothes on bodywork or a full body oil massage; both employing techniques that harbor the theory of Cellular Memory. The sex therapist London can provide talking therapy to help ease mental constraints and enter a comfort zone to discuss the possible roots of the sexual problem. The Tantric Journey sex therapist is trained on techniques to revert the body’s cells from a negative state to a positive state. The trauma is stored at a cellular level where the slightest touch or tinge will evoke the undesirable feelings that can be very apparent or leave faint nostalgic reminiscence. This is possible as the body’s cells communicate by chemicals. The Tantric Journey sex therapy London evokes these subconscious feelings and has the client ejects it from their system once and for all.

A sex therapist in London can provide psychosexual therapy to help individuals and couples with sexual related problems through counselling, nursing or medicine. Often the sex therapist in London prescribes medicine to help with these issues as talking therapy is not fully capable of resolving the sexual related issues. Often the sex therapist prescribes medicine even for the mildest of sexual related problems such as erectile or climaxing issues.

Chemicals tend to alter the human hormonal functionality and therefore hinder natural functionality. Therefore Tantric Journey’s therapist in London provides a natural treatment on the basis of Cellular Memory where the human body learns to build its own defence mechanism against the sexual related problems. A Tantric Journey’s therapist can offer talking therapy to enter a comfort zone and diagnosis and perform clothes on bodywork or a full body oil massage employing techniques that support Cellular Memory.

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The silent epidemic – don’t suffer in silence

by on Nov.16, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty

Tantric Journey begins with four key practices:

  1. Deep breathing with focus
  2. Body movement with feelings
  3. Chanting with expression of emotions
  4. Tantric Massage to remove negative imprints

Through the practice of Tantric Journey teaching and guidance is offered to teach clients how to become receptive to the four key practices. The process moves at a pace set by the client and helps with sexual dysfunctions, enhancing sexuality; teaching the individual to fully relax and be able to fully let go. Breaking down the layers of negativity and removing Body Armouring, Tantric Journey can help to eliminate aches and pains and help to deal with many negative issues around sexuality leading to a heightened sense of wellbeing and a new ability to enjoy pleasure and sexuality.

Mal Weeraratne explains how his pioneering treatment Tantric Journey can help anyone who wants to improve the quality and well-being of their life, by teaching them to understand the needs of their own body, mind and spirit and being able to communicate effectively to fulfil and gain their needs and desires.

He explains how we are all born free and pure, with positivity and love, which is the natural state of our being. However, throughout our existence we are subjected to a barrage of negative beliefs, conditioning, physical and psychological abuse which slowly builds up layer upon layer of negativity.  What Tantric Journey aims to do is peel back these layers and restore a state of balance and positivity.

Allow Mal Weeraratne to assist with all areas of sexual dysfunction and female impotence.

Mainstream medicine still struggles to diagnose and effectively treat female sexual dysfunction. The symptoms can include lack of sexual desire, an inability to enjoy sex, pain during intercourse, insufficient vaginal lubrication or, even if sexually aroused, a failure to achieve an orgasm leading to feelings of inadequacy, depression and alienation.  According to The Sexual Advice Association, sexual problems affect around 50% of women, making it a common problem that remains largely unheard of.  It seems that most women think they are the only ones in the world to have these problems because all the magazine articles and media coverage are about amazing sex and fantastic orgasms, but there are thousands of women out there who are in the same situation.

Many women still fail to seek treatment due to embarrassment or fear that health professionals will misunderstand them. Talking about sexual dysfunction can become a great obstacle and it is usual for couples to avoid talking about it, choosing to ignore it rather than face the awkwardness of discussion for fear of abnormality.  Indeed it is only as a last resort when their relationships are at breaking point that they search for help. Go on a tantric journey with Mal and change your life.

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Take yourself on an exciting journey

by on Sep.22, 2014, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty

Functions of Female Ejaculation

An ancient Tantric subject often over looked and considered taboo relating it to the most indecent of thoughts in the mainstream arena – Female Ejaculation lies as the tainted and unexplained in the female Sexual Health industry.

Female Ejaculation is colloquially known as ‘squirting’.

Often dismissed as incontinence and as a probable condition befallen upon certain females; the functionality of the Female Ejaculation remains scientifically unexplained and left unknown. The nature of scientific disinterest contributes to solid fact that only a certain number of women also only quite a handful number, have publicly reported to be able to ejaculate in comparison to the mass population.  As the society moved onto a less emotional platform to a logical and scientific plateau amongst patriarchy, the art of love making became biological and anything that did not serve physical purpose was rendered useless. Hence the subject has not been thoroughly studied – at least to console the women in the dark. However, the chemical composition has been found to have prostatic secretions and been scientifically validated stating that the excretion (fluid) from the ejaculation differs from urine completely overhauling the blind accusations of incontinence and bladder dysfunctions.

Also having had the Adult Film industry exploiting this scientific disinterest, the subject of Female Ejaculation was tucked at the hidden corner of the closet for a tarred image.

Being a British Pioneer in the area of Body Work and the first certified Advanced Tantra Educator in UK (from Source School of Tantra) I, Mal, have bridged the misunderstanding of the function of Female Ejaculation. Using Tantric and Toa techniques, I intend to release negative emotions from the female body and Female Ejaculation being the essence of the treatment.

The excretion (fluid) from the female is referred to as the Amrita in Sanskrit. Amrita means sweet nectar of life. The Japanese doctor Masaru Emoto claims that human consciousness affects molecular structure of water. When this finding is related to the fluid structure of the Amrita, it is certain under a microscope negative molecule of emotions will be found.

Thus giving a name to the face of the unexplained functionality of the Female Ejaculation through the art of Tantra and Tao teaching.

My bodywork to release emotions is also called the Sacred Spot Massage, G Spot Massage, Vaginal Massage or the Yoni Massage.

Through the belief that the callused negative emotions can armor the core of the female sexuality draping away pleasure and ‘being’ of a woman, my body work for emotional release has been articulately seasoned through decades of practice and perfecting over 3000 women all over the world.


The punch line being Female Ejaculation is vital and ‘revoltingly’ healthy for the overall wellbeing of a woman that only can be regarded as ‘normal’.

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