Tag: Tantric Therapy London
Sexual healing with Tantric Journey
by theadmin on Oct.17, 2015, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Meet Mal the founder of Tantric Journey and read how Tantric Journey can change your life!
The Tantric Journey Tantric Workshops London teaches what a Yoni Massage in London is. The Tantric Workshop in London is ideal for Tantra teachers who wish to know the ancient art of Yoni Massage in London. The Tantric Journey is welcoming to the newest client who has very little Tantra knowledge.
The Tantric lessons London teaching the working of the Tantric Journey Yoni Massage in London takes through the client from the basics to the in-depth knowledge of this ancient art. The Workshop touches on topics about Female Arousal Disorder, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Vaginismus.
The Tantric Journey objective is to spread awareness about the nourishing benefits of Tantric Massage London. It aims at preaching knowledge on the ancient art of Tantra and Taoism and how the practice can help rebuild lives and benefit the upcoming generation to live a spiritually enlightened life. This generation will have lower rates of crime, hatred, substance abuse, healthier relationships, happiness, inner peace and be coveted by love.
The Yoni massage taught by the Tantric Journey Tantric therapy London will teach men to value and respect women. This will lead to less gender violence, Discrimination and lesser hate crimes. The Tantric Journey yoni massage is about submission by the female which creates deep trust and in turn a sense of liberation and it creates a sense of responsibility in the male partner.
Tantric Journey is beneficial to many lives as it concentrates on making partners happier and fulfilled. The practice of a Yoni Massage in a relationship teaches each partner the role that is required to be played by each respectively. It can heal both partners by redirecting them to a positive state of life.
Learn the Art of Emotional Release through Tantric – Tao Bodywork
Emotional Detox Through Tantric – Tao Bodywork – November’15
For men, women and couples
This is a dual practice with your partner. Here you will learn the skills to peel off (like peeling layers of an onion) the layers of negative emotions such as shame, fear, mistrust, sadness etc to open the body very quickly, clearing stagnant energy channels and help release emotions and how to move positive energies throughout the body. If you are a single person, we may be able to find a partner from our database (subject to availability)
Tantric Journey Benefits
by theadmin on Aug.22, 2015, under Alternative Therapy, Health & Beauty
Tantric Journey Tantric Therapy in London is the most authentic tantric treatment available. Tantric Therapy London is often perceived to be as a fad or more of a spa-like indulgence; whereas the Tantric Journey Tantric Therapy London is a biological remedy that is spiritually based on the ancient art of Tantra and Taoism. The core essence of the treatment is the Yoni Massage London offered by Tantric Journey. Based on the theory of cellular memory and the ongoing study of molecules of emotions the Tantric Therapy London offered as a Yoni Massage London by Tantric Journey is aimed at resolving biological trauma. Trauma is stored at a cellular level in the form of molecule of emotions and can cause psychological and biological ailments that can reflect the external environment of the individual that can have a traumatic nature.
Yoni Massage London at Tantric Journey is a treatment that has been carefully crafted after in-depth study and over two decades of practice that does not have any ambiguous intentions often perceived when anything Tantra related is portrayed. The massage techniques are intended to release negative emotions from the body and make space for positive emotions to reside. Tantric Journey that is the Yoni Massage in London is a sensitive subject as many women are not easily comfortable or fluid with the idea of exposing themselves at such an intimate level in order to obtain a Tantric Journey Yoni Massage in London. The Tantric Journey ensures through consult and consent a woman is able to subject herself to the treatment as it is crafted with care on a stage basis and client approval at each stage, providing privacy and safety at all given times during the treatment.
Tantric Workshops London do not provide the essence of Tantric teachings just as at Tantric Journey. Tantric Journey offers the best Tantric Workshops London where one can learn the art of Yoni Massage in London. The Yoni Massage London is a growing pathway taken up many modern spiritual women and couple and more and more men are learning the art to satisfy their partner both emotionally and physically; also to help in healing. Tantric Workshops London are not common and if found not very profoundly established. Tantric Journey has its advantages of having the sole proprietor being an origin from the Far East; directly exposed to the eastern culture and values that is engraved in his teachings. Yoni Massage London is not an openly discussed topic but Tantric Journey hopes to re-invent thoughts on the purpose of a Yoni Massage London and why it is suitable and essential for the Western culture.
The Tantric Journey Tantric Workshops London are tailored for individuals and couples. Lessons are taught by the proprietor himself therefore guaranteeing first-hand experience stories and one to one knowledge. Lessons are for the individuals who would like to learn the techniques and become healers or experience Tantric Workshops London or for couples who would love to implement such intimacy in their relationships.
Yoni Massage London is growing to be a well sought self-indulgence for emotional well-being remedy by the new independent women and also that intimacy yearned by the ones in relationships. Many Yoni Massage London is commercialized due to intimate nature and the general perception of something that private being openly discussed and followed in the society. But the Tantric Journey concentrates on the essence and the true nature of the Yoni Massage London making Tantric Journey the most authentic Tantric Workshops London comparatively to the rest of the workshops offered.